Talk Early, Talk Often: Building Your Child’s Brain from Birth

Give your child the greatest gift — the gift of language!

Sue Lynn
2 min readApr 30, 2024
Photo by Yuri Shirota on Unsplash

Forget fancy toys — everyday conversations are the most powerful tool for your child’s early learning. Research shows a critical window for brain development, especially language skills, exists from birth to age three. This period sets the stage for future learning, so even simple conversations can have a big impact.

Here’s how to unlock this superpower and give your child a head start:

  • Start Talking Right Away: You don’t need to wait until your child can talk back! Narrate your day (“Look, a big tree!”), sing songs, and read stories. This constant stream of language helps build crucial neural connections in your baby’s brain.
  • Tune In & Follow Their Lead: Your baby is talking to you — in their own way! Pay attention to their babbles and gestures. If they reach for something, acknowledge it (“Interesting, right?”). This shows you care about their world and encourages them to communicate further.
  • Have Conversations, Not Lectures: Instead of just giving orders (“Don’t touch!”), explain the consequences (“The stove is hot. It will burn”). This back-and-forth interaction helps your child learn and develop critical thinking skills.



Sue Lynn

Data Analytics Consultant. Learning to contribute knowledge learned instead of only consuming